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This compact field and industrial instrument is used for both ground based and airborne applications requiring high speed spectrometry, and utilizes our patented Turbo FT™ technology. Applications in remote sensing for geological mapping, airborne chemical agent detection, and online process control systems. Our rugged and compact design allows you to “Take It There”.
- Rapid Scanning of 25-100 spectra/sec
- Rugged high throughput interferometer
- Sensor weight < 4 kg
- Portable “lunchbox” computer
- Real-time output
- Instrument control software, including ratio and difference math functions
- Enables monitoring of rapidly changing targets or processes
- High speed scanning reduces influence of vibration
- Compact size reduces associated packaging / mounting costs and weight
- High speed continuous remote sensing
- Ground Truth for geological mapping
- Environmental monitoring and compliance
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Standard Equipment
- Optical/Electronic module, including interferometer, LN2 cooled MCT detector and pre-amp
- Drive & sampling electronics
- Stand-alone AC powered portable Windows™ computer with LCD screen
- Real-time processing software with ratio, difference, radiance, and emissivity
- 1″Θ, 4.8o field of view (FOV) fore optics with through-the-lens viewing
Optional Equipment
- LN2 cooled two-color InSb/MCT detector for 2.5 to 16 micron operation
- Thermoelectrically stabilized blackbody
- 2″ or 4″ telescope
- Pouring Dewar (4 liter), tripod
- Portable computer with built-in battery and charger for standalone, off-grid operation